Understanding Pet ProblemsUnderstanding Pet Problems

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Understanding Pet Problems

After we became pet parents, I knew that we would need to focus on learning everything we could about their health. We started reading a lot of books about what we needed to do, and it was clear that one of our animals was having a problem with their health. We started focusing on what we needed to do to improve his health, and we realized that we needed to talk with a veterinarian. She helped our animal to overcome a serious medical condition, and we were so grateful. This blog is all about understanding pet problems and avoiding issues.


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Refuting Myths About Cat Boarding

Traveling with your pet can be an extremely challenging task. For those that are wanting to take relaxing vacations or will only be gone for a couple of days, it may not be practical to take your cat with you. While boarding centers can keep your cat safe while you are away, you must have several notions about these services refuted so that you can ensure that you make the best choice for your cat.

Myth: A Pet Sitter Can Provide The Same Care As A Boarding Facility

Individuals may be hesitant about leaving their cat at a boarding center due to a belief that a pet sitter will be able to provide the same level of care and attention. However, it is a reality that the pet sitter will likely only visit your cat once or twice a day for relatively short periods. In contrast, the pets that are under the care of a boarding center will be constantly monitored by staff.

Myth: You Should Not Bring Anything With Your Cat To The Boarding Facility

When preparing your cat for the trip to the boarding center, you might assume that you should leave all of your cat's possessions behind. However, many boarding centers will actually recommend you to bring a few small items for your cat. These items can help the cat feel more comfortable as they will recognize these familiar items in their enclosure. Ideally, you should include your cat's favorite toy, a bag or few cans of food and one of your shirts or towels. Bringing some of your cat's normal food to the boarding center will allow the to mix it with the food that they provide the animals, and this can help to reduce any digestive stress from a sudden diet change. Your shirt or towel will have your scent on it, and this can be immensely comforting to your cat.

Myth: The Boarding Center Will Provide Your Cat With The Necessary Vaccines

Prior to being boarded, you will need to provide proof that your cat has received all of the necessary vaccines. Some individuals assume that these centers will administer the necessary shots, but they will typically lack the staff and equipment for this. Also, many vaccines can take several days before they become effective. Therefore, you should take your cat to a veterinarian at least a week before your trip so that any injections will have ample time to become effective.