Understanding Pet ProblemsUnderstanding Pet Problems

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Understanding Pet Problems

After we became pet parents, I knew that we would need to focus on learning everything we could about their health. We started reading a lot of books about what we needed to do, and it was clear that one of our animals was having a problem with their health. We started focusing on what we needed to do to improve his health, and we realized that we needed to talk with a veterinarian. She helped our animal to overcome a serious medical condition, and we were so grateful. This blog is all about understanding pet problems and avoiding issues.


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About Your Pet's Vaccinations

You know your new pet needs to get vaccinated, but aside from this, you may not know much else about pet shots. If this is the case, then read this information. It will provide you with a lot of important things about pet shots that you should be aware of.

Your pet may need different vaccinations than someone else's

You may talk to a friend who lives in a different region than you and they might tell you their pet has been vaccinated for something that your pet wasn't. Don't worry, the reason why your pet's vaccinations may vary from someone else's is due to the area that you live in.

The shots pets are given are geared toward the area they live in. For example, a pet who lives in an area with wildlife like deer may be vaccinated for leptospirosis, where a pet living in the city may not. This is due to the fact that the deer in that area might carry leptospirosis that can be passed on to pets. This is also why you want to make sure your pet is properly vaccinated for the area you move to if you move away from the area they were vaccinated in.

Young puppies and kittens need a series of shots

While an adult pet only needs to receive annual shots, puppies and kittens need a series of shots. The reason for this is the mother will pass on antibodies to the litter via her milk. If the young pets get their shots while they still have the mother's antibodies in them, the antibodies will fight the vaccination off.

Once the mother's antibodies leave their bodies, they will then and only then keep the vaccination antibodies. So, what the series does is hit that perfect moment when the young pet will be able to hold on to the vaccination antibodies. You don't want to just hold off on getting them their shots until you know the mother's antibodies are gone, or they can get infected with an illness.

Do vaccinations always work?

While vaccinating your pet significantly decreases your pet's odds of getting an illness, there is a small chance of them still getting sick. One thing to consider is if the vaccination was stored properly.

When you take your pet to the vet for their vaccinations, you know they have been refrigerated properly. However, if you buy the shots yourself and administer them, there is no way of knowing if the store employees put them into the refrigerator right away, since they may not be fully aware of just how important it is to keep them properly cooled.

If you ever wonder if your pet might not be properly vaccinated, it's best to have them vaccinated again. Or, you can have a titer test done, which will tell you the antibodies your pet currently has.

For more information, contact an animal clinic like Jones Animal Health Clinic.